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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Hello, world!

Or something like that. Basically, i'm still having my doubts whether to blog in Macedonian or English, so i'll go with English for now (Russian was also a possibility, but lets ignore that for now). Anyhow, i'd like to welcome everyone that actually bothered to hit up the hyperlink to my new blog, which is basically Code::Blocked v2.0a. (Wonder if anyone will actually read this? Only like 3 people read the last one). The topics here will be pretty much the standard for me: random programming info, hardware hunts, OS reviews and rants about whatever girl i didn't have fun on a date with. Also, i might randomly post up some music to hack by, as well as the status of whatever project/hack i'm working on at the time. So, without too much more to say, Code:Blocked v2.0a is


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